Your home bar in your pocket

All your bottles, recipes and books in one app.
Sounds boring? We're just getting started!

Using an Android phone? Contact us to get on the waitlist!


Get inspired by smart recipe suggestions

🙂 Add your Spirit Collection

Use our barcode scanner and easily add all your bottles to your collection in the app.

📱 Get suggestions for recipes based on your inventory

We’ll provide you with drink recipes you can make just with what you own.

In the future we plan to also suggest new products for you that would enable you to create more drinks, so you’ll have an easy way of completing your collection.

My Books

Have all recipes in one place

🙂 Digitize your cocktail books

Unlock drinks from your cocktail books and get a digital version of the recipes that you already own, at no additional cost.*

📱 Browse their recipes inside the app

Benefit from all our browsing features, like searching, filtering and sorting to quickly find recipes from the books you own.

We constantly add new books to our database and you can request the ones you are missing, so we can possibly add them in the future too.

* Provided proof of ownership. Unlock period length may vary.

My Bar

Prevent waisting your inventory

🙂 Add Homemade Ingredients

Add your homemade ingredients like syrups to your collection.

📱 Use our recommendations to use up ingredients before they go bad

We’ll remind you to use them and your other products before they go bad and suggest the fitting drink recipes.


Become a member of our community

🙂 Bring your own recipes

Save your own creations and browse them along all other recipes.

📱 Share them with our community

Benefit from all our browsing features, like searching, filtering and sorting to quickly find recipes from the books you own.

You can share them with our community in the chat if you like. Decide if it should stay private or if it is ready to be seen by other mixologists on our platform as well.


Easily browse our huge database

🙂 Add Flavour Profiles, Ratings and Notes

Keep track of what you like and give more context.

📱 Explore drinks using combinations of filters in the search

Apply those attributes to your search and find exactly the drink you are looking for later. We’ll also recommend the highest rated drinks to you.